We're excited to announce our integration with Segment, the leading Customer Data Platform (CDP). Segment helps companies harness first-party customer data and provides a complete toolkit to ensure all customer information is routed to the appropriate system. This partnership obviates the need for Brands to add Button code into their mobile apps, and provides existing Segment brands an easy path to a revenue-focused digital channel.

Integrating Button with Segment's technology enables Brands to more quickly optimize their customers' mobile purchase and affiliate journeys with a focus on revenue, leading to new customer acquisition, higher LTVs, incremental sales, and higher per-tap profitability.

This partnership clears technical hurdles for Brands seeking to scale mobile commerce and affiliate partnerships. Given the step-change growth trends seen in 2020, mobile conversion and revenue will continue to be paramount. This partnership further consolidates data streams and integrations for marketers.

Last year mobile app downloads increased to 218 billion (+7% YoY). Remarkably, Business Insider predicts that by 2024, mobile commerce will hit $488 billion, 44% of total e-commerce. It's never been more important to ensure consumers receive seamless mobile shopping experiences. But that cannot come at the cost of burdensome integrations and unconsolidated data feeds, which gets at the heart of Button's partnership with Segment: an integration now available to Segment users through just a few clicks within Segment's platform.

Button seeks to remove purchase friction to provide users the means to shop however they want: now available through a simple configuration in Segment's dashboard.

"We are excited to welcome Button to the Segment Select partner ecosystem. Together, Segment and Button enable our customers to get a complete view into how consumers are engaging and taking action with their affiliate partners." Yuri Bukhan, Head of Business Development at Segment.

To learn more about how to enable Button through your Segment integration, visit our Developer Page.

If you're not a current Button and/or Segment client, contact partnerships@usebutton.com to learn more.