At Button, our mission is to connect people to their next intended action within the context of their experience. That means showing them the products or services they want, at the moment they want them. Today, we're making it even easier for commerce apps to integrate with Button, putting their products and services on demand, and in more places.

To help commerce apps integrate with us, we're providing a few new tools at their disposal, that make it easier to integrate, test, and measure their Buttons.

  • Easy to understand integration guide— we put together an easy guide that works with our on-boarding experience to get started with Button. This will both help you understand, at a high-level the steps to integrate, and will help your developer walk through those steps in detail.
  • Apps to test, debug your integration— we also launched apps for iOS and Android with which you can test your Button integration, before going live. Simply sign into the app with your Button Dashboard credentials, then check to see that your Button deep links and correctly reports orders.
  • More ways to measure your Buttons— in addition to measuring your Buttons in our Dashboard or via our API, you can also now measure with webhooks, that will send your Button events in real-time to your own system once configured. Head over to our Dashboard to configure some webhooks.

We hope these changes make Button even easier to use. We'd also love to hear what you think once you give them a try.