If anything should be clear from shopping trends over the past few years, it's this: Consumers are using their smartphones to spend more money, more frequently.  


Just look at the 2019-2020 holiday shopping season. In the weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas, shoppers spent an average of $197 on mobile. That's a 17% increase from 2018.  


These numbers come from Button's latest mobile commerce report, which you can download here. Our analysis of the 2019 holiday shopping season draws from millions of dollars in anonymized transactions across over 300 of the world's top brands and publishers, giving us a comprehensive look at how mobile shopping behavior is evolving.


 Why do these trends matter? Because as consumers' shopping behavior changes, so too must the ways that performance marketers try to reach them. For example, one of the biggest shifts we've seen is that, for more consumers, mobile isn't just where they research purchases, it's also where they make the final transaction. Mobile is the entire shopping journey. 


Here are a few other stories our report digs into: 


  • Mobile's overall performance in 2019
  • The 2019 holiday shopping season
  • Shopping patterns during Cyber Week
  • What brands and publishers can learn from these trends
