Despite mobile spending reaching an all-time high, topping $22.7 Billion in Q4 2016, an increase of 45% YOY, conversions on mobile are still more than three times lower than desktop. The huge mobile conversion gap is caused by complex and confusing flows— and we need to move toward a simpler mobile future.

Mobile presents challenges, but your future is dependent on it. The growing shift in consumer behavior has demanded companies adjust their strategies, both from a business and technical product perspective. From BuzzFeed's push into commerce, to Pinterest and West Elm's Style Finder, or Ibotta's launch of their Mobile Marketplace— we've seen industry leaders reinvent themselves and some of the incumbents lose their position for failing to do so. Come join the discussion about how to win in mobile by making things simpler and more powerful at TAP 2017.

Focus on TAPs, not clicks.

On September 28th in New York City, mobile leaders from a broad range of industries will explore how some of the world's top brands have connected with customers on mobile by working with the most forward-thinking publishers in the world. We'll discuss how to bring simplicity to every mobile flow, from travel search to shopping discovery to inspirational content— and turn browsers into buyers. It has never been easier to invest and master the tactics of mobile marketing, and we'll help you sift through the noise to identify which are most effective. Join us as we have conversations with a distinguished group of mobile leaders at TAP, including:

Are you excited to meet and discuss cutting edge mobile commerce techniques with a great group of hundreds of mobile leaders? Check out our official TAP website to learn more, then get your early bird ticket while they last— there's only 50 remaining!